Aerotor - Next Generation Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC)
Stormbreaker - Water Attenuation, Infiltration & Soakaway System
Stormbreaker Defender - Hydrodynamic Vortex Silt/Oil/Debris Separator System
Instrumentation & Control Panels for Sewage Treatment Plants and Pump Stations
Knowledge Base
Case Studies
Large Tourist Accomodation & Camping Site Temporary Sewage Treatment Plant using the BMS Blivet Case
Large Housing Estate Temporary Sewage Treatment Plant using the BMS Blivet Case Study
Case Study on Large Hotel WWTP with strict discharge standard
Supply of large Package Sewage Treatment Plants to Military Camps Case Study
Case Study on the treatment of sewage from a large construction site and its reuse using the BMS Bli
Case Study on Package Sewage Treatment System installed a Residential Care Centre
Case Study on Design, Manufacture & Installation of a 250 PE WWTP & Wetland
Case study on Apartment Complex Sewage & Surface Water Pumping Stations
Educational Blogs
Sewage Treatment Terminology Explained A-Z Part 1; Aerotor to Anoxic
Sewage Treatment Terminology Explained A-Z Part 2; Balance Tank to BOD
Sewage Treatment Terminology Explained A-Z Part 3; C to E; Clarifier to Eutrophication
Sewage Treatment Terminology Explained A-Z Part 4; F to K; Ferric Sulphate to Kjeldahl Nitrogen
Sewage Treatment Terminology Explained A-Z Part 5; Nitrate to Primary Settlement Tank
Sewage Treatment Terminology Explained A-Z Part 6; Raw Sewage to Sewage Treatment Plant/System
Sewage Treatment Terminology Explained A-Z Part 7; Sludge to Whole Life Cost
How do you calculate the size of a Petrol/Oil Separator needed for a site?
What is the difference between Class 1 & Class 2 Interceptors or Separators?
What is the difference between COD and BOD in Sewage Treatment?
What is the difference between ‘Effluent Standard’ & ‘Stream Standard’ in sewage treatment?
How do you calculate expected dry weather flow and volume of effluent to be discharged per day?
Do you have a package sewage treatment plant that can be placed free standing above ground?
How can I calculate the size of a primary settlement tank in a sewage treatment plant?
Do you have any solutions to manage flow surges to our sewage treatment plant?
Can you explain how BMS use parallel (lamellae) plates for sewage settlement?
Do you have a sewage treatment solution for a site that is prone to seasonal flooding?
What maintenance is required on a surface water attenuation, infiltration or SuDS system?