Package Sewage Treatment System Case Studies
Case Study on Large Hotel Sewage Treatment Plant
Project Overview:
The Prem Hotel Group appointed Butler Manufacturing Services (BMS) to design, manufacture and supply a new sewage treatment system for the Tulafarris Hotel and Resort.
Tulafarris is a beautiful five-star resort located in the Wicklow Mountains overlooking Blessington Lake in Ireland. The previous treatment system had struggled to cope with variable loads generated by the hotel especially during peak loading when events such as weddings coincided with the full occupancy of the hotel. Furthermore, the treatment plant was discharging into a highly sensitive area and had to achieve a very onerous outlet effluent standard.
BMS initially supplied one of its BL4000 Blivet (500 PE) Package Sewage Treatment Plants to supplement the existing system. This was made possible by the Blivet being a true ‘all in one’ system that can be placed above or below ground without a concrete surround and contains, primary/final settlement, aerobic treatment and 3 months of sludge storage, in the most compact system of its kind available.
Uniquely this Blivet was then incorporated in the final overall treatment system.
Project Details:
April 2019
Tulafarris Hotel & Resort, Blessington, Co. Wicklow, Ireland.
Available from BMS.
To design, manufacture, install and commission a robust turnkey low maintenance/operator BMS Blivet Package Sewage Treatment Plant to achieve a very tight final effluent standard for a large hotel with a lot of flow variability.
€200,000 +
The overall treatment plant design was complex and consisted of;
An upfront 50,000 l capacity balance tank with timed pumps. The pumps come on for a set time per hour. The capacity of the tank allows for even flows to be fed to the sewage treatment plant at all times even when the hotel is operating at full capacity. A BMS Balance tank is ideal for any location where there is a lot of flow variation and can greatly enhance the function of a treatment plant. The balance tank also doubles up as a Denitrification tank and is fitted with two mixing pumps on a timer. There is a 50% recycle of effluent from the outlet of the system back to the balance tank for denitrification to take place.
The effluent from the balance tank is then fed to 2 No. BL4000 Blivet Package Sewage Treatment plants, where primary Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Suspended Solids (SS) reduction takes place. A Ferric Sulphate dosing system was also fitted to dose into the primary settlement area of the BL4000’s. This system is in place to reduce outlet Phosphorus/Orthophosphorus levels to the specified limit.
The effluent from the 2 No. BL4000’s then flows into 2 No. BL3500 UV Package Sewage Treatment Plant. These Blivets are where Nitrification (Ammonia reduction) mainly takes place along with further BOD/SS reduction. The BL3500’s also integrate an integral UV disinfection system at the outlet. This is to meet the outlet bacteria levels. Blivets fitted with UV disinfection systems can be used to produce effluent suitable for non-potable reuse on construction sites and at locations where water is scarce. The UV system comes with an automatic cleaning system, which is vital for its efficient functioning in conjunction with a sewage treatment system.
The final step is 2 No. BMS M10 Final Effluent Sand Filter. The BMS M10 a completely self contained final effluent filter designed to reduce BOD and SS to levels as low as BOD 5 mg/l and SS 5 mg/l.
BMS manufactured, supplied and fitted a Palmer Bolus Flume for flow monitoring and sampling after the Sand Filter. BMS commissioned Cully Automation to fit a composite sampler and ultrasonic flow monitoring system with data logging in the cloud at the outlet.
BMS Construction/Installation Details: BMS worked closely with Aidan Comerford from Wastewater Maintenance Services who organised and supervised the on site civil works. BMS supplied all the control panels. The Blivet Control Panels were integrated into each Blivet via our unique integral kiosk, thus offering excellent built in process redundancy. Furthermore, all control panels were fitted with GSM Dialout Systems which will text up to 10 numbers when a fault occurs or if there is a power loss. All pumps supplied and installed were by Jung Pumpen of Germany. BMS is the main Irish installers of Jung Pumpen.
BMS Operation/Maintenance Details: BMS provide back up and advise as required to the client. The plant is being maintained by Wastewater Maintenance Services. BMS Blivets take only the equivalent of one unskilled man hour per week to maintain; check once per week, grease once per month, desludge once per quarter and a full services once per year. This is market leading. BMS as part of its ISO 9001 Quality Management System maintains files on all sewage treatment plant it has every produced back to 30+ years ago and prides itself on offering customer back up for the whole life of its sewage treatment systems, which is often 30+ years! The plant was commissioned in the middle of 2019 and has shown a vast improvement on final effluent compared to the previous system.
Design Population Equivalent (PE): 644 PE.
Final Effluent Standard: BOD 5 mg/L, SS 5 mg/L, COD 60 mg/l, Ammonia (NH4) 5 mg/l, Total Nitrogen (N) 11 mg/l & Fats/Oils & Grease (FOG) 10 mg/l,
pH 6-9, E-Coli 100 no./100ml & Ortho Phosphate (P) 2 mg/l.
The BMS Blivet is a unique extremely compact ‘all in one’ package sewage treatment system. The BMS Blivet means ‘Simple Operation and Great Long Term Performance’. The short video below how the Blivet achieves excellent final quality in a minimum of space. It has only two moving parts and requires very low operator input/power/maintenance.
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