Attenuation, Infiltration, SuDS and Surface Water Management Case Studies
Pre-assembled Stormbreaker Attenuation System Case Study
Project Overview:
BMS worked with Kilcawley Construction to devise an innovative value engineering solution that would solve issues they faced in installing an attenuation/SuDS system at a tight urban site located in Dublin Ireland.
The main issue that needed to be solved was minimising any disruption to site access. As is common with many urban sites the site was very narrow and access around the site was restricted. Therefore they could not afford to maintain an open excavation over several days to facilitate the installation of an attenuation system as it would prevent the movement of goods/site traffic while the excavation was open.
Project Details:
Nov 2017
Kilcawley Construction
Barrett Mahony, Sandwith House, 52-54 Sandwith Street Lower, Dublin, D02 WR26, Ireland
Design, supply and install a fully pre-assembled and sealed attenuation systems that was delivered to site ready to go with a total volume of 21 m3 using the BMS Stormbreaker Surface and Stormwater Attenuation/Infiltration System.
€100,000 +
Normally the installation of an impermeable Attenuation/SuDS system involves;
The digging of a suitably sized excavation.
The installation of a base layer of geomembrane & geotextile.
The installation of attenuation units such as the BMS Drainmax Tunnels or Stormbreaker to make up the required capacity.
The installation, sealing and testing of the top and sides of the geomembrane & installation of an outer protective geotextile.
Connection of inlet/outlet pipes.
Backfilling of the installation.
Depending on the size of the installation this generally takes anything from from a few days to a few weeks.
To solve this problem BMS devised an impermeable Stormbreaker Attenuation system that was completely assembled, wrapped and sealed off site and delivered ‘ready to go’.
BMS can offer a ‘one stop shop’ for all surface water requirements including attenuation, infiltration, interceptors, vortex oil/silt separators, hydrobrakes and holding tanks. In this case BMS also supplied a hydrobrake. The full installation details are as below:
Stormbreaker: Tank 1 – 21 m³ – 198 pieces.
Stormbrakes (Outlet Flow Control): 1. No 2 L/s Stormbrake.
Construction/Installation Details: BMS completely pre-assembled the whole system at our factory in Longford, Ireland as can be seen from the pictures at the bottom of the page. The system was specially designed so that it could fit on a standard trailer and be easily lowered into place. It also came pre-fitted with top hat connectors which allowed for easy connection of the inlet/outlet pipes on site.
The excavation for the Stormbreaker system was opened as the Stormbreaker was being transported. On arrival the system was immediately lowered into place, the inlet/outlet pipes were connected and then backfill took place. The whole installation took a matter of hours rather than days; it was a true value engineering solution.
The innovative pre-assembled option will provide value to any client in many ways;
BMS offer full free design of your attenuation/infiltration/SuDS installations including calculations and drawings by specialist software.
Site Labour/Time/Supervision time is considerably reduced.
H&S issues related to maintaining an open installation are considerably reduced as the excavation is only opened for hours rather than days.
Dewatering costs are minimised.
Any disruption to movement on site/site traffic is minimised to hours rather than days/weeks.
Full back from BMS who are an ISO 9001 Quality certified company with a 30+ year track record.
Operation/Maintenance Details: BMS Stormbreaker installations are designed to be maintenance free, which is an important consideration considering the 50 year lifespan of most attenuation systems. More details can be found in the Stormbreaker Agrement Certificate or by contacting BMS. Furthermore the BMS Stormbreaker is by far the strongest plastic attenuation system available worldwide which gives peace of mind against system creep, subsidence or collapse. You can see its strength in the Stormbreaker Load bearing Demonstration Video below, where a full laden fire tender is driven over a single layer of Stormbreaker with paving bricks on top.
Strombreaker® Test — Load Bearing Demonstration
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